
Northwoods Kids

Our kids at Northwoods Life are an important part of our life here in Perham. Whether we have biological children, grandchildren, or kids who we've adopted/fostered they are all important to Jesus. So our kids get their own service that's geared just for them! On the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of the month we have a time during our regular services for our kids to hear from presenters that are able to communicate to their generation. They are also encouraged to participate in missions work around the world in giving to Boys and Girls Missionary Crusade (BGMC).

​Throughout the year, there are other events such as conferences and camps, so that kids are able to hear from the Holy Spirit.

NL Youth

We believe in the next generation and helping them discover who God has created them to be! On one Wednesday of the month, we gather for a service that is gear for students in grades 6 - 12. There are games, worship, clear Bible teaching, and time to discuss how our faith plays out in our life. ​

​In addition to each Wednesday night, we head out into the world for an activity. For a full list of our activities, check out our calendar in order to stay up to date!

Every Wednesday @ 6:30pm

Second Half Ministry

Living as an adult is a journey like no other, especially as we enter into the second half of our life. Northwoods Life believes in discovering a community that you never knew was possible! If you are 55(ish) or older, we want you to be a part of our ministry community! Every month, we gather for a different activity such as a pie social, outings to events, or retreats and conferences. Check out our calendar for a list of all of our upcoming events!